
Online Counseling for Women with Anxiety in Washington State

Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed?

We can’t go at it alone. 

Learn how to stop feeling rejection, loneliness, and anxiety.

*Online Therapy for Washington state residents.

Online Counseling for Women with Anxiety in Washington State

Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed?

We can’t go at it alone. 

Learn how to stop feeling rejection, loneliness, and anxiety.

*Online Therapy for Washington state residents.

Online counseling is for you if you:

  • Are busy and overwhelmed but never fulfilled.
  • Know your potential is beyond your current life circumstances.
  • Feel the weight of comparison and exhaustion from striving.
  • Are disconnected from life and unsure of what you want.
  • You are tired of watching others pass you by.

Are you ready to:

  • Build a life of grace, simplicity, and vitality.

  • Break free from shame, guilt, and embarrassment.

  • Feel confident in any situation.

  • Wake up each day with excitement because you are creating an amazing life.

With online therapy, I can see people all throughout the state of Washington. 

When avoiding negative feelings, we can distract ourselves by scrolling social media or over-consuming wine, food, and shopping.

This temporary fix inevitably leads to frustration and more shame.

You’ve likely tried books, courses, self-help, journaling, and maybe even therapy, but still don’t feel fixed.

If what you’ve tried isn’t working,

it’s not because you have done something wrong

or aren’t trying hard enough. 

It’s not because you’re not capable. 

It’s not because you are broken.

The way we’re told to build self-confidence often doesn’t work so well.

Even when we feel motivated to make a change, it often leads to self-sabotage or getting lost in overcomplicating systems.

The truth is these attempts will not work unless you shift how you see yourself and shed parts of your past that keep you stuck. 

You cannot consistently outperform who you believe you are at your core.

It might work temporarily, but your life will always acclimate to who you think you are – your current view of yourself and what you believe you deserve.

We can’t go at it alone.

This is where online therapy can help you.


  • Learn the exact steps to build confidence and find your purpose.

  • Release rejection, criticism, and judgment.

  • Let go of your past and create a vibrant life.

  • Cultivate a beautiful, confident life with grace and simplicity.

  • Improve your relationship with your husband, friends, family, and most importantly, yourself.

You can experience relief immediately.

Imagine the lifestyle you want.


♥ Less chaos. More joy and peace.

♥ Confidence in knowing who you are.

♥ Fulfillment and passion.

♥ Knowing your calling – then proceeding without fear.

♥ Relationships where you are known and loved.

♥ Loving your kids and spouse well.

♥ More time, less housework.

♥ More energy and vitality.

♥ More fun and adventure.

(What are you craving? Maybe some evening strolls, painting, horseback riding, Adirondack chairs and sunsets, romantic dates or scenic drives down windy roads, coffee shop dates with girlfriends. Yes, please!)

If what you’ve tried hasn’t worked, you are not alone or broken.

I know how it feels to work so hard, yet feels like trying to collect the ocean with a teaspoon. 

I also know we are created with an innate desire for something better. But we are taught that it is wrong to want something more, so we shame ourselves for wanting it and sabotage any chances of change. 

I’ve heard it said we want to dine and not consume food.

We want a meal with family and friends, where we pass the bread bowl and pour the wine, not stand over our kitchen sink eating boxed mac and cheese.

We want joy, strong relationships, and a beautiful life.

We want to welcome people into our home and not have a panic attack when the doorbell rings unexpectedly.

We want to stop pleasing people.

We want memories made around an evening meal.

What I know is this:

Most of us are holding on to mental, emotional, relationships, and physical clutter preventing us from living.

You can get there faster with less stuff and more organization.

It’s not too late. Working on one area will change all areas.

Doing this work will stretch you.

If you want something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.

This is transformational decluttering.

It will never be perfect, but this work will change everything.

One of the best feelings is letting things go.

You can even enjoy the process.

Are you ready?

Don’t wait to get started.

If you would like more information about online counseling or to schedule a free 15-minute consultation, click the red button or call (360) 207-4409.

* Online therapy for Washington State residents 

Hi there!

I'm Angela, a therapist and professional home organizer. My mission is to empower women through transformational decluttering. I help women create their home environment to support their wellness, remove clutter, and add beauty, passion, and joy to every day.

I'm also a military spouse who has moved eight times in the last ten years.

Within all our moves, my family lived in a home that was 375 square feet. We've also lived in a house with seven bathrooms. There's a sweet spot somewhere in the middle.

I help people untangle their mental health by organizing their homes and offices. Often, by getting organized, people can change their entire lives. Trying to get organized without mental wellness is hard, but trying to have mental wellness without organization is impossible.

I encourage women to consider the things in their minds, to-do lists, and homes—the things that make up how we spend our days and the quality of our lives. And we only have one life. Let's create spaces where we can thrive. If you need support letting go of the excess and embracing a more meaningful, organized life, I'm here for you! Together, we'll unlock the potential of your space and your life.

Online counseling for Women with Anxiety in Washington State. 

Call 360-207-4409 or click here to schedule your free 15-minute phone or video consultation 

Angela Sue Garvey, MS, LMFTA

Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist