
Rebuild: Level Up

Need help figuring out where to start decluttering? 

In Reset, we talked about mindset. In Reduce, we let go of the physical stuff. In Renew, we focused on genuine self-care.

But hey, it’s not a one-and-done deal; these areas need continuous love, especially in the early stages. When I started decluttering and creating space, something in my brain wants to immediately fill it. 

Now that we’ve made space, let’s treat these spaces as sacred ground so we don’t refill them with clutter.

Consider the life you desire and strategically plan to fill these new spaces with goodness. 

It’s time to level up.

We’re not just doing this for ourselves (although you’re totally worth it). This growth impacts everyone around us – spouses, kids, friends, and even community members. It directly influences the quality of our lives.

It’s easy to bring home too much stuff. Too many Target runs later, and we found ourselves drowning in exhaustion, guilt, shame, embarrassment, and the futile attempt to organize it all. Let’s address our habits for filling empty spaces.

We’re wired to consume, whether it’s physical stuff or overindulging in other areas of life. Creating space only to fill it up with mindless distractions? Nuh-uh. It’s time to be crystal clear on what we truly want.

Let’s Get to Work

Odd as it may sound, the first step is to do nothing. Sit in that space, be it a room or your mind, and pay attention to your thoughts. Where does your brain wander? What is the first thing you need to place in the empty area? Why do you feel the need for it?

Mostly, we collect things to avoid pain or seek pleasure. But here’s the kicker – things that bring immediate pleasure often aren’t in our best interest.

Keep decluttering stuff. Keep fine-tuning your mindset. Keep tuning in to your body. Keep taking inventory.

Do this repeatedly for the things on your calendar, home, and core relationships.

Does your inventory match your values and vision for your life?

Now, let’s level up.


Pick one thing. 

For example, if rest needs a level up:

– Set your alarm earlier to allow for winding down without the TV’s blue light.

– Ensure your room is sleep-friendly in terms of temperature and darkness.

– Aim for a glorious eight hours of sleep instead of the usual six.


Ask the right questions. What’s your prep plan for two extra hours of sleep? 

Anticipate obstacles, and plan for them.

What will get in your way?

Change feels awkward.

It’s awkward to question our stuff, let go, and say no. It’s awkward to part with sentimental items. It’s awkward to start practicing self-care when it means saying no to others. And leveling up? Awkwardness on steroids.

But guess what? We’re in this together.

Reset our mind. Reduce clutter. Renew energy. Rebuild lives.

What’s your level-up goal today?

Shoot me a DM! I can’t wait to hear! @angelasuegarvey

Reset    |     Reduce    |     Renew    |     Rebuild 

Hi there!

I'm Angela, a therapist and professional home organizer. My mission is to empower women through transformational decluttering. I help women create their home environment to support their wellness, remove clutter, and add beauty, passion, and joy to every day.

I'm also a military spouse who has moved eight times in the last ten years.

Within all our moves, my family lived in a home that was 375 square feet. We've also lived in a house with seven bathrooms. There's a sweet spot somewhere in the middle.

I help people untangle their mental health by organizing their homes and offices. Often, by getting organized, people can change their entire lives. Trying to get organized without mental wellness is hard, but trying to have mental wellness without organization is impossible.

I encourage women to consider the things in their minds, to-do lists, and homes—the things that make up how we spend our days and the quality of our lives. And we only have one life. Let's create spaces where we can thrive. If you need support letting go of the excess and embracing a more meaningful, organized life, I'm here for you! Together, we'll unlock the potential of your space and your life.