
Overwhelmed by your closet?

Join Our FREE 5-Day Closet Reinvention Challenge

    decluttering for self-confidence

    Is clutter—mental, emotional, or physical—holding you back from truly living?

    Unlock self-confidence by transforming your space and mindset.

    Looking for Support? Start Here!

    Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed?

    We can’t go at it alone. 

    Learn how to stop feeling rejection, loneliness, and anxiety.

    *Online therapy for Washington state residents.

    Want to Boost Your Confidence?

    Transform your environment and elevate your mindset by cultivating a space that inspires confidence.

    Learn more about personalized coaching!


    On-site Assistance Struggling with Clutter?

    Let’s transform your space together! I’ll help you create an organized, functional environment that feels like home.

    Experience the joy of a clutter-free life with on-site assistance!

    Unsure where to start decluttering? 

    Step 1: Reset

    Our space is a reflection of our minds.

    Step 2: Reduce

    Friends, let’s get momentum and declutter help.

    Step 3: Renew

    The goal is to take care of ourselves so well that we create enough energy to show up for our lives.

    Step 4: Rebuild & Level Up

    If you have cleared the clutter from your mind, calendar, and home and acknowledged your spirit and body, what is next?

    this is transformational decluttering

    Overwhelmed by your closet?

    Join Our FREE 5-Day Closet Reinvention Challenge

      Hi there!

      Hi, I’m Angela, the founder of Life on Purpose School and the Closet Reinvention Challenge. I'm here to help women like you find unshakable self-confidence by decluttering both your environment and your mindset.

      As a professional home organizer, therapist, and life coach, I’ve seen firsthand how the clutter in our spaces is often tied to the clutter in our minds. Over the years—through eight military moves, from living in a 375-square-foot home to a house with seven bathrooms—I’ve learned that real transformation happens when we create systems that align with who we want to become, not just who we are now. That’s where my work comes in.

      I know the challenges of balancing home, mind, and life. From my experience, I've developed a framework that combines decluttering, mindset shifts, and self-confidence to help women thrive. With my background as both a professional organizer and a therapist, I understand that true transformation goes deeper than surface-level tidying. It's about creating habits, routines, and environments that reflect the best version of yourself—your future self.

      Online counseling for Women with Anxiety in Washington State. 

      Call 360-207-4409 or click here to schedule your free 15-minute phone or video consultation 

      Angela Sue Garvey, MS, LMFTA

      Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist 

      Disclaimer: Life on Purpose School LLC provides life coaching, home organizing, and educational content aimed at supporting personal development and organizational skills. The information on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical or psychological advice. Our services are not therapy, do not constitute professional medical or mental health services, and are not subject to HIPAA regulations. Using our website and services does not establish a professional-client relationship. We may include affiliate links and may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links. For the full policy, please see our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and Disclaimer page.